(A) The barplot shows the cumulative scLT datasets from 2017 to 2024, colors represent barcode type. (B) Number of datasets summarized by species and barcode type. (C) Number of datasets summarized by tissue. (D) Dotplot shows the barcode detection rate and unique barcode number of each dataset. Color represents scLT techonology, shape represents barcode type.
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Dataset overview

NOTE:After selecting a certain present barcode,
            the figure above will show the distribution of all cells containing that barcode

NOTE: The horizontal coordinate represents different cell states, and the vertical coordinate represents individual clones.
            The figure shows the enrichment ratios of various cell states in different clones

NOTE: The figure shows the spearman correlation calculated by barcode among different cell states.
            The larger the value, the closer the correlation between the two cell states on the lineage

NOTE: Each row on the Y-axis represents a cell state,
            and the X-axis represents the percentage of various cell states calculated for that cell state based on the clone fate bias

Clone analysis tool
Welcome to the online tool of scLTdb to analysis lineage tracing data.

This tool is used to analyze clone data from from either single cell lineage tracing or bulk lineage tracing experiments. You can click the Upload button at the right panel to start analysis. This online tool offers three modules:
(1) Clone heatmap module: this module is used to visualize the clone enrichment in different cell states (samples).
(2) Fate coupling: this module is used to calculate the spearman correlation between different cell states (samples) to measure the lineage relationships.
(3) (3) Clone fate bias: This module is used to assess the fate bias of a clone towards or against specific clusters

Here is the demo data of this online tool.
Table format: :demo data matrix format: :demo data

We offer three parameters that users can modify to customize the clone heatmap. The parameter "Cluster Rows" determines whether to cluster the rows of the heatmap. The parameter "Cluster Columns" determines whether to cluster the columns of the heatmap. Lastly, the parameter "Show Row Names" indicates whether to display the row names on the heatmap.

Second tab content.